
Psalm 20: God vs. the Odds

Ps. 20:7
"Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
but we trust in the name of the Lord our God."

God gives the victory. History, especially in the Old Testament, is full of stories where the odds were stacked against God's people.

- Moses & the people of Israel, the Red Sea before them, the Egyptian army behind them (Exodus)
- Gideon & 300 men against the Medianite army (Judges 7)
- Samson and the Philistines.
- David and Goliath

The list goes on and on... but these people put their trust in God, not in "the odds." They kept their eyes fixed on that which is "unseen," not the things that are "seen."

I would do well to remember this when trouble comes my way (Psalm 20:1)

Father, sometimes life comes at me from too many angles at once. There are days where I feel overwhelmed. Help me to soar above anything that the world my throw my way. You are my shield and my strength.

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