Psalm 20: God vs. the Odds
Ps. 20:7
"Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
but we trust in the name of the Lord our God."
God gives the victory. History, especially in the Old Testament, is full of stories where the odds were stacked against God's people.
- Moses & the people of Israel, the Red Sea before them, the Egyptian army behind them (Exodus)
- Gideon & 300 men against the Medianite army (Judges 7)
- Samson and the Philistines.
- David and Goliath
The list goes on and on... but these people put their trust in God, not in "the odds." They kept their eyes fixed on that which is "unseen," not the things that are "seen."
I would do well to remember this when trouble comes my way (Psalm 20:1)
Father, sometimes life comes at me from too many angles at once. There are days where I feel overwhelmed. Help me to soar above anything that the world my throw my way. You are my shield and my strength.
Psalm 19: Creation Calls
Ps. 19:1-4
"The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they display knowledge.
There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.
Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the end of the world."
Creation calls. It proclaims that "God is there!"
He is! The precision, balance, engineering, architecture, biology, diversity, science, landscape & structure of our world, our universe - and right down to the smallest insect... displays his glory. It's as if God left his "fingerprints" everywhere to be found by us.
I need but look at nature to be reminded that there is a great Architect / Engineer / Designer of all of life... and of my body.
Lord - Your greatness is unmeasurable. Who can grasp your greatness? You are an awesome God.
Psalm 18: He trains my hands for battle
Ps. 18:34 (a)
"He trains my hands for battle."
David spoke here of God giving him the strength, courage and skill to do battle and slay his enemies.
As a musician, God trains my hands for battle as well. In terms of music, that means playing skillfully, winning spiritual battles through the power of praise and worship.
God, I thank you for the gift of music. Thank you that you've given me the gift of music. Help me to balance my life in such a way to always give time to growing as a musicians / band director / worship leader in skill and competency. But let this never be at the cost of my family and my calling as a pastor.
You are my source and inspiration. Open my lips so I can sing your praises.
Psalm 17: Be Transperant
Ps. 17:3
"Though You probe my heart and examine me at night, though you test me,
You will find nothing; I resolve that my mouth will not sin."
David made sure that his mouth was guarded. He made sure to be in right standing with God - to have no hindrances. He invites God to come and "probe" him so that he can stand assured of harbouring no deceit or evil.
Be transparent before God. Live a life that you can comfortably invite God to probe. And when He looks... let He find no sin or wilful deceit.
God - I'm far from achieving this. But I'm striving to live life Your way. Please help me.
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